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Hargrove, Oliver, and Parker Inc. Outpatient Services’ philosophy is supported by societies’ need to enable individuals and families who have encountered barriers which have impeded their ability to function due to a mental health, substance abuse or behavioral crisis. Our goal is for each client to successfully complete our program, which is developed to enrich, encourage, and inspire each client to learn coping skills necessary to adapt and grow in situations that are very anxiety provoking and stressful. There have been an increasing number of people with chemical dependent behavioral and psychological impairment and these individuals have been underserved. We hope to create an outpatient clinic that will serve as an IOP, Crisis Intervention, Crisis Stabilization and Medication Management for individuals that are Dually Diagnosed with Mental Illness and Substance Abuse. It is our vested interest to make sure that our program functions in a safe and nurturing environment to promote our clients to grow and benefit from these troubling situations.
The mission of Hargrove, Oliver, and Parker is to provide quality services to children, adolescents, adults and their families to tackle the serious issues they face. We address the problems that will reduce the risk of having a child removed from their home, individuals and families having difficulties functioning in the community, home and other social environments that are needed to increase socialization and improve quality of life due to behavioral and emotional stress, undiagnosed emotional disorders, neglect, legal issues and abuse or other serious family problems. Our outpatient services are designed to meet the growing need for mental services in troubled communities for individuals and families.
Hargrove, Oliver, and Parker Outpatient Services provide structures therapeutic treatment to serve people who are in need of mental health services in the least restrictive environment. Outpatient services staff will complete a comprehensive assessment that addresses the four domains of life, physical, psychological, nutritional and social needs and make necessary referrals to appropriate agencies based on the needs of the client.
The Substance Abuse IOP will provide an extensive Substance Abuse Evaluation, which will have all of the components of a Bio-psychosocial Evaluation, Mental Status Evaluation, Medical Evaluation and a Psychiatric Evaluation. The IOP Services will require an intake session, two individual sessions before being assigned to a group cohort. The group cohort is a 26-week, three groups a week for 90 minutes and a family session twice a month program. To successfully complete the program participates will have to complete 23 of the 26 sessions, develop a recovery plan, have three family sessions and demonstrate abstinence from substance use for 6 weeks, as evidence by clean drug screens, working a recovery plan, complete a family history journal, and safety plan for step by step plan to deal with triggers and emotional pitfalls.
Emergency Services/Crisis Intervention is provided primarily in the community and is supplemented with individual, family and supportive counseling. The program requires intensive case management services, crisis assessment, wellness assessment, mental health assessment and a complete bio-psychosocial assessment to clients in a crisis situation in partnership with parents, family members, school personnel, physicians, mental health providers, and community service agencies. These services are delivered using a comprehensive mental health model and through psychological needs assessment. Crisis intervention services are mental health care, available 24 hours a day, seven days per week to provide assistance to individuals experiencing acute mental health dysfunction requiring immediate clinical attention. The objectives are:
To maintain individuals and families in the community in the least restrictive mental health services to help ameliorate their current psychiatric and psychological and chemical addiction intervention.
Crisis Intervention services are provided following a marked reduction in the recipient’s psychiatric, adaptive, or behavioral functioning or an extreme increase in personal distress. Clients demonstrate an increase desire to use more and more drugs and alcohol so much so that the individual maybe in danger of hospitalization and overdose. If an individual has co-occurring mental health substance use disorders, integrated treatment for both disorders in allowed within Crisis Intervention Services as long as the treatment for the substance abuse condition is intended to positively impact the mental health condition. The impact of the substance abuse condition on the mental health condition must be documented in the assessment, the treatment plan, and progress notes.
Hargrove, Oliver and Parker Enterprises, Inc.’s management team consists of James Hargrove, Vernon Oliver, LCSW and Dr. Dennis Parker. James Hargrove has over 20 years experience in finding suitable living arrangements for many of Virginia’s very low-to moderate income population looking to acquire a housing or modest living provision.
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