6767 Forest Hill Avenue, #234, Richmond VA 23225 voliver@thehopeinc.com 804-320-1395

Partial Hospitalization Services

Home » Partial Hospitalization Services

Hargrove Oliver & Parker Enterprises’ Partial Hospitalization provides substance abuse and mental health services for adults in our community over the age of 18 with emotional, behavioral and Substance abuse disorders which result in significant functional impairments in major life activities. These individuals experience severe and persistent symptoms of mental illness causing further symptoms and impairments which result in producing distress and disabilities in their normal day to day functioning. This service population has difficulties in maintaining focus and achieving the daily living skills necessary for them to lead productive lives in their communities on their own. Our program will teach and help implement these skills (i.e., self-care, personal hygiene, employment seeking along with positive social and interpersonal interactions and relationships).

Hargrove Oliver & Parker Enterprises’ has developed an array of unique services that addressed the substance abuser’s needs across multiple domains and over a continuum of time. The innovative features of these services include:

  • Comprehensive evaluations and treatment recommendations, conducted at the
    request of the individual, employer, probation officer or attorney.
  • Evaluations of and services to “at risk” family members.
  • Continuity of services spanning a period of time from the service recipients initial crisis to recovery and integration into the community.
  • Outcome measures, evaluation design and continuous improvement measures to ensure the highest quality of services.
  • Services provided to the Spanish speaking population

The greatest obstacle to success in any program is time and location. All services will
be offered before or after the service recipients work schedule or on Saturdays. Work or school daily activities are required for all service recipients. Hargrove Oliver & Parker Enterprises’ will receive referrals from the following:

  • DBHDS organizations
  • Psychiatrists, Psychologists, other healthcare providers
  • Family and Community members
  • Community Organizations
  • Hospitals and Treatment Facilities
  • Court Services Unit
  • Community Service Boards


Our service recipients must demonstrate substance use or abuse as their primary disorder, medical necessity and/or a clinical need for this service arising from a condition due to substance, mental, behavioral, or emotional illness that results in significant functional impairments in major life activities.

1. Service recipients are not excluded from or denied access to any Hargrove Oliver & Parker Enterprises’ programs based solely on current or previous Substance abuse disorders. Service recipients are allowed to participate in Hargrove Oliver & Parker
Enterprises’ , programs as long as their mental illness does not prohibit them from fully participating in or benefiting from treatment.
2. Service recipients with SA/mental health problems are appropriate for admission to Hargrove Oliver & Parker Enterprises’ programs if:
a. They meet the same admission criteria that apply to other service recipients; and
b. They demonstrate substantial ability to comply with the usual expectations for
client behavior as defined by the treatment/program contracts.
3. Participation in concurrent Substance abuse or medical treatment should not necessarily preclude participation in treatment.
4. Service recipients NOT appropriate for admission to Hargrove Oliver & Parker Enterprises’programs include those who are:
a. Overtly psychotic (e.g. hallucinating);
b. A current danger to self or others
c. In need of medication but who are NOT stabilized on the medication or under the
care of psychiatrist, and/or
d. NOT sufficiently stable to tolerate group or individual interaction (e.g. may act out inappropriately in group).

  • In order for individuals to receive Medicaid-reimbursed SA PHP Services, individuals must demonstrate a clinical necessity for the service by meeting the Diagnostic Statistical Manual diagnostic criteria for an Axis I Substance Use Disorder, with the exception of nicotine or caffeine abuse or dependence.
  • A diagnosis of nicotine or caffeine abuse or dependence, which includes Tobacco Use, shall not be sufficient for approval for these services.

For more information, contact us